The first to respond on 9/11 continue bring closure to the wounded, 20 years later

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has dedicated a new memorial honoring the organization’s employees and police officers killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and those who have died of World Trade Center-related illnesses since. The memorial, a garden and plaque, lies outside the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox National Shrine in Liberty Park, just south of the former World Trade Center towers.

Part of the plaque’s inscription reads, “May this Garden serve to remind us of those who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001, as well as those whose selfless action during the recovery has led to injury, illness and death long after that tragic day,” reports Haeven Gibbons for AMNY.

Eighty-four Port Authority employees were killed in the terrorist attacks. Thirty-seven of them were Port Authority police officers and 13 others who assisted people out of the building were recognized by the US Department of Justice. Those Port Authority employees killed in the 1993 bombing of the Towers are included in the memorial.

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