By Julie Farren Record Gazette

A 7,000 lb. I-Beam that was part of one of the buildings destroyed on 9/11 at the World Trade Centers will be displayed Thursday, Oct. 24 during a fundraiser golf tournament at Tukwet Canyon Golf Course in Beaumont.
A 7,000 lb. I-beam that belonged to the World Trade Centers [sic] in New York City will be displayed from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, during a Fire Memories Museum fundraiser at Tukwet Canyon Golf Course.
The golf tournament fundraiser is benefiting the museum and the Banning Chamber of Commerce.
Don Robinson, executive director of the Banning Chamber of Commerce, said he met Bob Green, who is retired from the San Bernardino County Fire Department, two weeks ago at the Fire Memories Museum.
Green showed him pictures of the beam and Robinson said he wanted to display it at the golf tournament.
Robinson said Tukwet Canyon will be the first location that the beam has been displayed.
“He hasn’t been anywhere with it,” said Robinson.
The beam was part of one of the buildings at the World Trade Center but it is unknown exactly which building it belonged to, according to golf tournament representatives.
An application was filled out with the New York Port Authority to bring the I-beam to Southern California. YRC Trucking was selected as the transportation source by the New York Fire Department. When the drivers delivered the beam and found out that the contents belonged to the World Trade Centers, the shipping fees were refunded.
This refund was made in memory of the men and women who lost their lives on 9/11.
Beaumont RV provided a trailer to support transporting the beam. Volunteers from around the Inland Empire decorated the trailer and also compiled a list of the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11.
The list also included their ranks, age and which fire truck they were from. Robinson said that the 343 names were added to a steel piece underneath the beam.
“We don’t ever want to forget them,” said Robinson.
A portion of the proceeds is going to the Fire Memories Museum.
Golfers and sponsors are still needed for the golf tournament. Cost of playing is $120 per person.
If anyone wants to just attend the dinner, cost is $30.
Robinson said they would like to have 100 golfers and currently, 60 players have signed up.
Deadline to sign up for the tournament is Tuesday, Oct. 22.
For information, call the chamber at (951) 849-4695.