Matt Fountain The Tribune
Site preparations for the city of San Luis Obispo’s World Trade Center memorial project are set to begin Monday at Fire Station No. 1 at the intersection of Broad and Santa Barbara streets.
Traffic is not expected to be greatly affected at the busy intersection, according to the city Parks and Recreation Department.

Here’s a rendering of what San Luis Obispo’s World Trade Center memorial project would look like. Courtesy rendering
The memorial, in which 403 metal posts — one for each of the 343 firefighters and 60 police officers who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 — will surround an I-beam, which was a structural support in one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
Preparations for the structure will include the relocation of a flagpole, landscaping and the removal of an alder tree, which the city Tree Committee in December deemed appropriate for removal.
The city will plant trees in the surrounding area in the fall.
The tree removal will begin at 8 a.m. Monday until about noon with other site preparations to follow. Project construction is scheduled to begin next month and last through August.