Trial for men accused of plotting 9/11 attacks is set for 2021

A date has finally been set for the trial at Guantánamo Bay of the five men accused of planning the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, reports . The jury selection process will begin on January 11, 2021. The suspects were arraigned in 2012.

The new judge in the case, Air Force Colonel W. Shane Cohen, announced the date last week, ending years of uncertainty.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is accused of masterminding the 9/11 plot. The other four men are accused of substantially helping the hijackers – either by training them, financing them or assisting in their travel to the US.

Kathleen Vigiano, whose husband, NYPD Detective Joseph Vigiano, and brother-in-law, FDNY Firefighter John Vigiano, Jr., were both killed responding to the attacks on the World Trade Center, told Carol Rosenberg for the New York Times. “People say, this is still going on?” she said. “No, it hasn’t started yet.” She said she is relieved that a date has finally been set.

It is still not certain whether the trial will actually occur.

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