By Terrence T. McDonald The Jersey Journal

The United States Honor Flag arrived at Newark International Airport to honor Jersey City Police Officer Melvin Santiago July 16, 2014. T Chase Gaewski, The Jersey Journal
An American flag that flew over the ruins of the World Trade Center in 2001 will be draped over the coffin of slain Jersey City Police Office Melvin Santiago.
The flag, called the U.S. Honor Flag, was delivered today from Fort Worth, Texas, to the city’s west district police station, where it was handed to Capt. Michael Kelly during a short ceremony. Members of Santiago’s family was present when the flag arrived in Newark today.
The flag, used to honor fallen soldiers, police officers and firefighters, will be locked up tonight in advance of tomorrow’s wake for Santiago, who was fatally shot early Sunday morning in what police have described as an ambush in front of the Walgreens at Communipaw Avenue and Kennedy Boulevard.
A visitation will be held on tomorrow [sic] at the McLaughlin Funeral Home at 625 Pavonia Ave. from 1 to 9 p.m.
Santiago’s funeral will be held Friday at St. Aloysius Church on West Side Avenue at 11 a.m., following a procession from the funeral home.
Interment will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery in North Arlington.