Sisters set to run Boston Marathon 20 years after surviving 1999 Columbine shooting

A few days before the twentieth anniversary of the Columbine school shooting, two sisters who survived will run the Boston Marathon together. Laura Green Hall, who was a 14-year-old freshman when the shooting took place, and her sister, Sarah Green Bush, who was 16 on April 20, 1999, will run the Marathon together, as they have trained together, using running as a coping mechanism.

Both sisters are now mothers – Sarah has five children and Laura four, reports Aishwarya Kumar for

Laura said, “I feel a deep obligation as a survivor to share my experience. Because as we know in this country and this world, these kinds of horrible things happen all the time, and if people who have experienced something similar can look to somebody who is still alive and who has lived 20 years past something horrible and see that I am happy, grab on to a little bit of hope from me, I am happy I experienced it.”

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