Pilot records database to be established after years of action by Flight 3407 families

Flight 3407 killed 50 people in 2009. One of them was Beverly Eckert, who was headed to an event honoring her husband, Sean Rooney, who was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The Flight 3407 families have worked for aviation reforms ever since, and were instrumental in the passage of the 2010 Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act. Now, more than 10 years later, another of their goals has been achieved — by June 2024, airlines must have a pilot records database.

Pilot error was found to be the cause of the Flight 3407 crash.

Susan Bourque, Beverly Eckert’s sister, told Brandon Lewis of NY1, “Beverly was an inspiration to us. When she died in the flight, we took our example and inspiration from her and when we saw things that were wrong and needed to be changed, we couldn’t just sit back.”

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