Deadline for adolescents’ WTC Health Registry survey extended to August 31, 2012

Adolescents and their parents enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Registry now have up to August 31, 2012 to complete the Registry’s survey. This update, the third since the  terrorist attacks, was sent to enrollees in November of 2011 and seeks information from the approximately 1,300 Registry enrollees currently under 18.

Only 40% of the surveys sent out to registrants under 18 have been returned. The third survey for adults over the age of 18, which is also in progress now, currently has a 63% response rate.

There is a great need for a statistically meaningful sample, particularly from the relatively small groups such as adolescents. 

The brief, 24-question survey for adolescents can be taken over the phone by calling 866-692-9827 or you can print a PDF online by clicking here.

The WTC Health Registry hopes to identify long-term physical and mental health effects of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and to share their findings and recommendations with enrollees in the Registry, health practitioners, those who are ill but did not register, and lawmakers.

Enrollment in the WTC Health Registry has closed. To learn about the program, please click here. The current annual report can be found here.

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