The group participated in two conferences on mental health after disaster. Lee Ielpi gave a moving presentation on recovery after 9/11 at Fukushima Medical University. He is thanking one of the other presenters, Ms. Aiko Yamamoto, Executive Director of the Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community at the University of Hyogo.
In October of 2012, a group of 6 Tribute docents, staff members Lee Ielpi and Meriam Lobel, traveled to Japan for 10 days to provide support for victims of the 3/11 earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster. The Tribute group met with local and national officials, business leaders, mental health providers, schoolchildren, parents, teachers, and senior citizens.
“People told us that it would be difficult for the people we met in Japan to express their feelings,” said one docent, “but as soon as we started telling our stories of our losses of 9/11, they understood that we could comprehend what they are going through – and we were able to share both tears and warm smiles.”
The 9/11 group brought a gift of an origami crane fabricated out of steel recovered at the World Trade Center to the City of Koriyama. The origami crane will be the focus of a memorial to 3/11 that is being built in the public Kaisezan Park.
See more pictures and learn more about the trip at tributewtc.org
The trip to Japan was undertaken in collaboration with the United States-Japan Foundation, the Japanese Medical Society of America and Rotary International with leaderships roles played by Dr. Robert Yanagisawa and Ikuyo Yanagisawa, and Betty Borden of Japan Society. Transportation for the trip was generously contributed by American Airlines.