9/11 Tribute Center programs are offered throughout the year. Lectures, educational workshops and support programs are available to unite family members who lost loved ones, survivors, Lower Manhattan residents, rescue and recovery workers and volunteers who assisted in the aftermath of 9/11. Visit tributewtc.org for a schedule of upcoming programs and events.

Latest Past Events

Panel Discussion with the authors of “Long Mile Home”

Boston Public Library 700 Boylston Street, Boston

Scott Helman and Jenna Russell, the authors of Long Mile Home: Boston under Attack, the City’s Courageous Recovery, and the Epic Hunt for Justice, will discuss the book at the […]

Comfort dogs available to the people of Boston

First Lutheran Church of Boston & Hynes Convention Center Boston

Therapy dogs from Massachusetts, Newtown, Connecticut and Chicago will be available to help Marathon-goers and the people of Boston at the First Lutheran Church of Boston and the Hynes Convention […]

Boston Marathon Bombing Anniversary Ceremony

John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center 900 Boylston Street, Boston

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 2:49pm, one year to the minute after the Boston Marathon bombing, an anniversary tribute to the victims, survivors and rescuers of the attack will […]