9/11 Tribute Center programs are offered throughout the year. Lectures, educational workshops and support programs are available to unite family members who lost loved ones, survivors, Lower Manhattan residents, rescue and recovery workers and volunteers who assisted in the aftermath of 9/11. Visit tributewtc.org for a schedule of upcoming programs and events.

Screening of the 9/11 documentary “In Our Son’s Name” – Charleston, SC

Two screenings of the 9/11 documentary In Our Son’s Name will be shown on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at Trident Technical College in Charleston, South Carolina. The screenings will be held at 11:30am and 6:00pm. The free screenings are open to students and the community. Both screenings will be followed by discussions with director Gayla […]

Continuous Screening of Footage of Attacks – Brooklyn, NY

In 2001, artist Wolfgang Staehle put a pair of webcams in Brooklyn, and pointed them towards lower Manhattan as a project. The cameras photographed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. What was meant to be an art project became forensic evidence. This film, titled 2001, will be shown continuously at the Brooklyn Historical Society throughout […]

Screening of the 9/11 documentary “In Our Son’s Name” – Charleston, SC

A screening of the 9/11 documentary In Our Son’s Name will be shown on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at Trident Technical College in Charleston, South Carolina at 6:00pm. The free screening is open to students and the community. The screening will be followed by a discussion with director Gayla Jamison and Gloria Williams, a member […]

“In Our Son’s Name” screening and discussion – Brookline, MA

In Our Son's Name will be screened at the 30th annual Boston Jewish Film Festival at 12:00pm on Friday, November 9, 2018  at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, Massachusetts. In Our Son's Name tells the story of Gregory Ernesto Rodriguez, 31, who was killed in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. After […]

Screening of “Saint of 9/11”, a film about Father Mychal Judge

As part of their “Prayer and Pie” series, and part of Pride month, on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 7:30pm, NYC’s Church of the Holy Trinity will show a free screening of Saint of 9/11, a film about FDNY Fire Chaplain Father Mychal Judge, who was killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. […]

Video screening – Transformed Overnight: The Impact of 9/11 – New York, NY

Internet artist Wolfgang Staehle set up two Manhattan-facing video cameras in Brooklyn in autumn 2001. They were set to trip every 4 seconds. Inadvertently he captured the World Trade Center attacks on camera, and three weeks of footage after the attacks. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine will screen the video (Transformed Overnight: The […]