9/11 Tribute Center programs are offered throughout the year. Lectures, educational workshops and support programs are available to unite family members who lost loved ones, survivors, Lower Manhattan residents, rescue and recovery workers and volunteers who assisted in the aftermath of 9/11. Visit tributewtc.org for a schedule of upcoming programs and events.

Deadline: residents to pick up passes for Memorial viewing

Community Board 1 49-51 Chambers Street, Suite 715, New York, NY, United States

Residents of Lower Manhattan are invited to a private viewing of the 9/11 Memorial on the evening of Sunday, September 9, 2012 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Space is limited, and passes will be required. Each resident may receive up to 4 passes. Pasees may be obtained at the Community Board 1 office from 9:00am to […]

Deadline: WTC Health Registry Survey

Adolescents and their parents enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Registry now have until September 30, 2012 to complete the Registry's survey. This update, the third since the terrorist attacks, was sent to enrollees in November of 2011 and seeks information from the approximately 1,300 Registry enrollees currently under 18. Only 40% of the surveys […]

Deadline: New York Police Disaster Relief Fund

Members of the NYPD who were impacted by Hurricane Sandy must submit a completed NYPDRF form with a copy of their application to FEMA for disaster relief. The form must be received at the New York Disaster Relief Fund, Inc. not later than 1600 hours on Friday, December 14, 2012. While the fund will continue […]

FEMA Hurricane Sandy application deadline

The deadline to register for FEMA assistance has been extended to April 13, 2013 for residents living in 13 counties labeled disaster areas. All five boroughs are disaster areas. Federal aid may include money for rental assistance, home repairs, and other needs not covered by insurance. You can register online here or by calling 800-621-3362. For more information on FEMA, […]

Deadline: comment on the World Trade Center Campus Security Plan

A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was drawn up for The World Trade Center Campus Security Plan on April 8, 2013. Following that, a public hearing on the DEIS was held on April 23. Catherine McVay Hughes, chair of Community Board 1 testified at that hearing and drew attention to the need for additional information […]