On 20 and 21 June, 2018 Eurojust‘s annual seminar on counterterrorismt was held, with participants François Molins, District Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Paris, Frédéric Van Leeuw Federal Prosecutor of Belgium, Joëlle Milquet, Special Advisor to the President of the European Commission on the support to victims of terrorist attacks.
This year’s conference had two primary themes – support for victims of terrorist attacks and the judicial response to those people who return to Europe after working with jihadists in Iraq and Syria.
Joëlle Milquet said, “We need an integrated approach at EU level and we have to set minimum standards, promote best practice, take pragmatic measures and adapt the existing directives. A common, precise definition of victims or of compensation to victims is required and one single focal point at national level. We can have a more structured coordination by involving other stakeholders, such as Eurojust and Europol.”
Attendees at the seminar issued a joint declaration by the Ministers of Justice of France, Germany, Belgium and Spain calling for sharing of information on current investigations and convictions for terrorist offences with Eurojust.
You can see the press conference from the meeting here.